Cabeçalho evento

Sustainable Development Goals and Supreme Audit Institutions

Detalhes evento

Caixa Detalhes

A distância autoinstrucional
45:00 hora(s)


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Conteúdo evento

At the end of the course the participant will be capable of identifying the role of SAIs in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals; to explain the main characteristics of the SDGs; identify the role of national governments in this new agenda; discuss and apply elements of a preparedness audit.


Identify the role of SAIs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals; Understand the main characteristics of the SDGs; Identify the role federal governments will play in this new agenda; Discuss and apply elements of a preparation audit.


To have access to this course, the subscription in Portal do TCU is required ( Later, the access to the course will be trough the link:
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