Cabeçalho evento

Performance Audit

Detalhes evento

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60:00 hora(s)



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Conteúdo evento

At the end of the course, the participant is expected to be able to accomplish a performance audit, using efficient techniques and useful working papers, and subsequently, to prepare audit reports to make clear communication of the work results to different stakeholders.


Introduction to Performance Auditing: What is Performance Auditing, Audit cycle. Audit Techniques: Stakeholder Analysis, Process Mapping, SWOT Analysis and Risk Verification. Main Working Papers and Audit Report: Planning Matrix, Findings Matrix, and Audit Report.

Público alvo do evento

Auditors and support staff of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from English-speaking countries members of Olacefs or other regional SAI organizations. The course can also be accomplished by anyone interested in the topic.